Fitness Journal: Day 28

Day 28 is here! Well, yesterday it was. I can feel my body getting stronger. I still don’t keep track of my reps but I know that I am starting to complete longer times during my workouts. Almost had an injury but it didn’t happen so that’s a good thing.

Drinking lots of water and still eating better. Probably not the best but I’m doing my best!

It’s probably going to be a double workout day today to catch up again.

Fitness Journal: Day 15

So, here we are again. I’ve miserably failed at the jpurnaling thing. But that’s old news. Let’s not dwell on the fact that it actually happened and let’s dig down deep to discover the “why”.

Im going to go out on a limb here and say it’s probably because I enjoyed a hot, greasy, fully loaded meal from Taco Bell and I was too ashamed to write that down. Oh, but it was so freakin good. I over indulged in it, for sure!

Now that the secret is out, let’s talk about some more of the “why”. There was a weigh in for this day and I am exactly the same weight I was when I started. Talk about discouraging. One might be thinking it’s silly to see results that quick but have you forgotten? I am the generation of instant gratification. I am not patient, I want my results and I want them now!

Ok, after typing that I realized how dumb that sounds. I am determined and have my eye on the goal so forward I shall proceed! Onward! I made a nice healthy pasta for my food prep this week. I have a potluck coming up tomorrow but I belive there will be some healthy options for me to choose from.


Fitness Journal: Day 8

It’s sort of day 7 but I skipped a day because somehow I got off schedule. So I took my rest day yesterday when it should have been my final workout of the week. I’m not sure how this got mixed up but regardless I am here, and I have completed day 8. It was pretty killer.

My arms feel like jello and I’m curious to know what tomorrow will be like trying to hold my 20lb son. Oh dear, now that I’m typing it I am dreading it more and more. My son is a tad bit spoiled and likes to be held 98% of his day.

The good news is that I feel challenged and I love feeling challenged. I guess the focus for this week is to keep meals protein based and I think I can do a pretty good job of that


I’m tired. It’s late. Good night.


Fitness Journal: Day 6

Well, hello. I have decided to start success journaling and this is all thanks to Bikini Body Mommy founder Briana Christine. I’m trying her challenge which is for 90 days. I sort of regret not starting the journal thing from the beginning but better late than never, right?

Today is day 6 and I can say that it feels good. I’m past my sore phase and the first few days were definitely killer. I’ve succeeded at drinking more water and I am surprised. I used to be so good at drinking water and then I started going on this soda binge. Yuck! I know.

I’ve also made improvements to my diet. I can’t say that I’ve been making good decisions 100% of the time but definitely made better decisions in comparison.

I haven’t been keeping track of my reps which I intend to do next week. Actually I can start today.

I guess we’ll see how today goes!!! Progress is my goal.