Fitness Journal: Day 28

Day 28 is here! Well, yesterday it was. I can feel my body getting stronger. I still don’t keep track of my reps but I know that I am starting to complete longer times during my workouts. Almost had an injury but it didn’t happen so that’s a good thing.

Drinking lots of water and still eating better. Probably not the best but I’m doing my best!

It’s probably going to be a double workout day today to catch up again.

Healthy With A Hint Of Laughter

One of the things I am most into, for right now, is being healthy.

I tend to be one of those serial dieters where I eat healthy for a period of time and then before I know it I’m chowing down on my fourth McDonald’s cheeseburger and scarfing down french fries. YUCK! Now that I’m seeing it on the computer screen before me it looks even worse. One of the endeavors I’ve decided to take on is eating healthy and exercising more. I feel like that makes me an adult. Right?

I can’t say that it’s been easy. The exercise has been fairly easy but the eating part is what gets me. I am painfully picky when it comes to food, and let’s face it, there aren’t that many choices out there in terms of eating healthy if you’re not fond of fish and/or seafood. All the recipe plans I’ve sought out have included tilapia or salmon and I’m just sitting here like, “Uh, how about I just substitute with chicken?” when my ENTIRE week’s dinner is chicken. I can only eat so much chicken before I’m disgusted.

If you’re silly enough to actually take interest and have read this far, I know exactly what you’re thinking… “Cook a steak!”. Yeah well, in the words of the lady who was too hot in CA, “Who’s payin’ for all this damn meat?” Yeah, way too expensive to have steak every week. Or if I’m wrong, and again if you’re still reading this and care enough to give your input, please tell me I’m wrong for thinking steak is too expensive. Tell me and prove to me that it’s affordable. Keep in mind that I’m cooking for 2.5 humans here.

A typical breakfast week for me:

Mon:  1/2 Cup Plain Oatmeal w/ 1Tbsp dark brown sugar

Tues: 1 Cup Low Fat Vanilla yogurt w/ 1/2 cup of fresh fruit (berries mostly) and topped with granola

Wed: (see Monday)

Thursday: (see Tuesday)

Fri: (see Monday or Tuesday)

And that, my friends, is how adventurous I am! It truly is a struggle, I tell you. Don’t even get me started on snack/lunch/dinner. It’s too embarrassing to type. Oh, I forgot to mention that on the weekends I typically eat the same thing and if I’m really feeling crazy I might throw in a spinach and egg scramble.

I know that I can’t be the only picky eater on the planet that wants to eat healthy. Maybe, just maybe, one of my peers will stumble upon this post and suggest something else I can try. 🙂 Wishful thinking.

Enough with the food talk though… let’s get into the exercise. I have NEVER once been interested in exercise. I grew up dancing at a small studio near my grandmother’s house and frankly I just didn’t need to exercise. I was skin and bones up until about JR year of high school. And during high school I was on the cheer squad soooo not too much need for exercise, I was already getting it that way.

Now that I’m 20-something (pick a number higher than 25 but less than 30), I have noticed that things are ballooning where they probably shouldn’t. My metabolism is basically stagnant so it became so incredibly clear that I needed to make some changes if I wanted to live the life I planned. I took an interest in running, of all things, running!? I’m the least fond of it, or at least I was before I became focused on getting healthier. Now I look forward to it all day. I joined a 5k close to where I live and fell in love. I run 3+ times a week and man does it feel good! If someone reading this has found themselves in my position, please just try it out! I can’t praise it enough.

I guess this never-ending excuse of a post should probably stop so hope this serves some sort of purpose!